Despite daily, gloomy stories about public university budget cuts and the student loan crisis, a local authority on college funding shows parents how to save tens of thousands of dollars off college costs, even if they’ve been told that they make too much money for financial aid.
“One of the most pervasive myths is that parents making six-figure incomes should not bother applying for financial aid,” says Kevin Campbell, of College Planning Authority in Fort Worth.
“Unfortunately, about 53% of eligible families never even bother applying for financial aid! And there’s a ton of aid to be had – about $137 Billion. And much of that is grants and scholarships - free money that never has to be paid back!”
Another surprise – it can be cheaper to attend an “expensive,” prestigious, private college compared to the “cheaper,” local public university. “The reason is that the private schools have more money to give by way of their endowments. We show this to parents on a daily basis,” said Campbell.
“Given what’s happening in Texas's universities, out of state private colleges are becoming an increasingly attractive option for parents concerned about giving their children the best education possible. The trick is to understand which colleges award the best aid packages, how to position your finances to receive the maximum amount of aid you’re eligible for and how to get into these colleges!”
(Article Source:
If you are in the Michigan area - find out more about College Planning Professionals services and free workshops by visiting their website at
Families of college-bound freshmen, sophomores and juniors are able to pre-register for workshops on the website or by calling 616.935.0740.
Steve Wagasky, College Funding Consultant
College Planning Professionals
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